미국 북동부 지역의 8개 사립대학
- 하버드(Harvard) 대학교
- 예일(Yale) 대학교
- 펜실베이니아(Pennsylvania) 대학교
- 프린스턴(Princeton) 대학교
- 컬럼비아(Columbia) 대학교
- 브라운(Brown) 대학교
- 다트머스(Dartmouth) 대학교
- 코넬(Cornell) 대학교
------대학교 사이트------
Harvard University
Harvard University is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and to developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally. Harvard University is made up of 11 principal academic units.
Yale University
Since its founding in 1701, Yale University has been dedicated to expanding and sharing knowledge, inspiring innovation, and preserving cultural and scientific information for future generations.
Home | University of Pennsylvania
Princeton University
Through teaching and research, we educate people who will contribute to society and develop knowledge that will make a difference in the world.
Columbia University in the City of New York
To learn more about the range of medical, health, and mental health programs available to the community, contact Columbia University Medical Center Government & Community Affairs at cumcgca@columbia.edu or 212-305-8060.
Home | Brown University
At Brown, our students have the freedom to choose their academic journeys. Open details for
Dartmouth College
Students interested in learning about sustainable food and energy systems have the chance to get their hands dirty—literally—by working at the Dartmouth Organic Farm, where activities include everything from planning and planting crops to harvesting and pr
Cornell University
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