World University Rankings 2019 - Times Higher Education (THE)
World University Rankings
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019 includes more than 1,250 universities, making it our biggest international league table to date.
1. University of Oxford / United Kingdom
2. University of Cambridge / United Kingdom
3. Stanford University / United States
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology / United States
5. California Institute of Technology / United States
6. Harvard University / United States
7. Princeton University / United States
8. Yale University / United States
9. Imperial College London / United Kingdom
10. University of Chicago / United States
[TOP100 한국 대학 순위]
63위 서울대
82위 성균관대
[TOP100 아시아 대학 순위]
22. Tsinghua University / China
23. National University of Singapore / Singapore
31. Peking University / China
36. University of Hong Kong / Hong Kong
41. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology / Hong Kong
42. The University of Tokyo / Japan
51. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore / Singapore
53. Chinese University of Hong Kong / Hong Kong
63. Seoul National University / South Korea
65. Kyoto University / Japan
82. Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) / South Korea
93. University of Science and Technology of China / China
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